Free Bondage Demo and Kinky Q&A at Castle Megastore
Monday, November 16, 2015 - 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Castle Megastore
Venue Details:
1017 E Pike St, Seattle WA, 98122
Join Max at the Seattle Castle Megastore for some fun kinky demos, an opportunity for BDSM Q&A, and a bit of informal instruction.
This will be really casual - stop by any time between 5pm and 8pm.
Bring your questions, ask for shopping tips, chat with Max and his assistants, or get tied up.
Max has been teaching kink workshops since 1999 and has a thriving teaching / coaching practice in Seattle.
This is an unusual opportunity to mingle with Max and to pick his brain for FREE.
BONUS: Max will be giving away $5 off coupons for the December 9th
"All The Demos" event!