Fundamentals of Rope Bondage
Workshop fee: $35.
Membership is NOT required for the workshop. Bring ID to verify that you're at least 18 years old.
Join Max for the always-popular "Fundamentals of Rope Bondage" class.
This workshop begins with an overview of rope bondage techniques and materials, with lots of "show and tell" items and pointers on buying appropriate bondage materials.
The remainder of the class is a hands-on workshop in which several useful knots and positions are taught. By the end of the workshop, you will have some basic skills and will be able to tie up your partner with grace and confidence.
You should consider attending this workshop if:
- You want to add more bondage to your love life
- You want to feel more confident about your rope work
- You want to know what kind of rope to add to your toy bag
- You are looking for knots that work and that you can actually remember
No prior knowledge of bondage or knots is assumed for this class - it's perfectly appropriate for beginners. This class also works well if you've already done some bondage and want to tune up your technique.
If you can, come with a practice partner. If you don't have a partner, come anyway and we'll make sure you get a chance to practice the basic techniques. Rope Bottoms - this is your chance to meet some rope tops - come learn and get tied up!
Some rope will be provided for the workshop, but bring the following if you can:
- (1) 10-foot piece of 5/16" (8mm) or 3/8"
- (1) 30-foot piece of 5/16" (8mm) or 3/8"
Monk (of will be selling hemp rope before the workshop. Please show up 15 minutes early if you would like to buy rope.