Tops & Tails - Head, Hair and Genital Bondage
Workshop fee: $30
Workshop + party (Wet Spot members only): $35
Wet Spot membership is NOT required for the workshop. Please bring ID to verify that you're at least 18 years old.
The "Bondage is the Point" party afterward is limited to Wet Spot members, who will receive a $5 discount if they attend both the workshop and the party.
Sometimes it's all in the details.
This workshop covers some particularly intimate bondage techniques done with small pieces of rope, special skills, and careful attention.
We'll start out with head and hair bondage.
Tammy - Monk's lovely wife - will teach you how to do head bondage. It's disturbingly beautiful and surprisingly powerful.
Next, Max will present a variety of effective hair bondage techniques. Many people love having their hair pulled, and these techniques should be in every practitioner's repertoire.
The remainder of the workshop will cover male and female genital bondage.
The well known Mistress Matisse will be demonstrating her vast experience tying up boy bits, using Monk as a demo. Max likes playing with boys too and will have a few things to say on the topic.
Finally, Max will present several techniques for female genital bondage.
Each part of the class will include substantial time for hands-on practice, so bring your long-haired friends, your genitals and your friends with genitals. As always, the hands-on portions are intended to help you get familiar with the material in a friendly, low-pressure environment. The emphasis is on learning, having fun, and building confidence.
If you can, come with a practice partner. If you don't have a partner, come anyway and we'll make sure you get a chance to practice and observe the basic techniques. Rope Bottoms - this is your chance to meet some rope tops - come learn and get tied up!
Please bring two 15-20' pieces of 4 mm (1/8" or 3/16") cord and one 10-15' piece of 8mm (3/8") rope if you can.
If you don't have suitable rope, the Twisted Monk will be selling hemp rope before the workshop. Please show up 15 minutes early if you would like to buy rope.
This workshop assumes no previous bondage experience, and is appropriate for all genders and orientations.